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Our best tips and tricks to help get you pregnant

Hey guys!! Instead of lying in bed watching Netflix tonight, we thought we would come up with some tips and trick to help you get pregnant!! 1. If you are going to artificially inseminate, you want to make sure its done at the right time of the month to avoid wasting your time and resources. Make sure you track your ovulation properly for several months prior. Sometimes this can be one of the main reasons people don't fall pregnant. 2. If you can, make sure you get a sperm check for your donor or find out if he has had success in the past. You don't want to put all your time, energy and emotion into this to find out they are sterile. 3. Use the sperm sample ASAP. We would recommend no longer than 15 minutes after the sperm has been ejaculated. Some women prefer to let the sample liquify first, however we try to mimic the natural process as much as we can to ensure the highest chance of success. Also we had success using the sample straight away.

4. GENTLY insert the syringe and SLOWLY release the sample. If you do this too fast the sample will come back out (from personal experience - not pretty haha) 5. TURKEY BASTERS DO NOT WORK (unless you want air up there haha

6. Elevate your hips not just your legs - get the pillow right up under your lower back and let gravity take care of the rest! (We recommend getting comfy and staying in that position for at least 30 min) 7. It helps the process if you have an orgasm but make sure it isn't penetrative (you don't want any of those little guys getting out) 8. If you have to use lube to insert the syringe, make sure to only use a small amount and only use sperm friendly lube (avaliable at the chemist) 9. When you decide to start trying for a baby we recommend to destress. It is really easy to get caught up in trying to have a baby that it stresses people out and it often makes it harder for them to actually conceive. So whatever happens try and make sure you look after yourself! 10. Try and get at least 2-3 samples inserted on the days leading up to and including ovulation day (if you have that much access to your donor). If you only have access for one day, make sure its your ovulation day or your 'peak'. The more times you can insert in a cycle the better chance you have of falling pregnant! That't all for tonight!! If you have any questions feel free to shoot us a message on facebook or email us at Sweet dreams TM&B xxx

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