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The first 2 weeks..14DPO

The first two weeks after insemination was probably the longest two weeks of our life and Im talking about the two weeks after ovulation and insemination, not the east two weeks between your last cycle and your ovulation (cause those two weeks were easy! Haha) Like everyone else who inseminates, you have to fight the urge to take a pregnancy test the next day! We waited for as long as we could bare (i think maybe 7 days haha) of course there was nothing on our pregnancy test! But we kept testing anyway!! Because we have this business we were testing with every kind of test and still using ovulation tests everyday, just to see what was happing and to see which tests showed results first (if there were results to be seen). I have never peed in a cup so much in my life! Haha!! At about 10 DPO Holly was convinced that she could see something on the test (I thought she was crazy). In saying that, I was starting to see changes in my body (way too early, I know), I was getting cramps in my tummy really early in the DPO and i never ever get cramps! My boobs started getting sore! And i just 'felt' different. so Holly, madly googling symptoms, was convinced I was pregnant. I wasn't so sure.

10 DPO
11 DPO

The one thing we found the most interesting was that I continued to 'peak ovulate' for the entire two weeks. But only the Ovuplan tests picked it up after my actual peak. The tests we include in our kit peaked and then they only showed a faint line after the peak. Where the Ovuplan tests were brighter than my peak. Also the digital tests didn't pick up the hormones after the peak day either.

At this point we came up with a theory, that the Ovuplan tests were picking up the start of the pregnancy hormones that weren't quiet strong enough to be picked up on the pregnancy tests. (keep in mind i was taking 3-4 different types of pregnancy tests every day and nothing was showing anything except the Ovuplan ovulation tests). At about 12 DPO we got that prominent second line! As the pregnancy test lines got darker, the Ovuplan tests got lighter. YEP! Holly was right! We are pregnant! We were over the moon! We couldn't believe that we got pregnant just like that! One donation from our wonderful donor, one try, one insemination on one night was all we could manage for that month, BOOM there you go. It all happened so fast that I don't think it has even sunk in yet! We know we got extremely lucky to have had it happened so quickly and if Holly was the one having the baby it wouldn't have been as easy. Her cycle is all over the place, and something to look into in future for when we decide to expand our growing family. We are so grateful that we can help so many people start their families! We want everyone to be able to experience this feeling!

We want to help give everyone the experience of a lifetime!!

ask us anything on facebook, email, wherever!!

Let's start this journey!!



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